Sunday, April 9, 2023

How to Get Rid of Astral Spiders?- Effective Techniques to Get Rid of Them for Good

Astral spiders are negative entities that can attach to our energy fields and cause various physical and emotional symptoms. Getting rid of them can be challenging, but with the right techniques, you can banish them from your space and protect yourself from future attachments. Here are some effective techniques to get rid of astral spiders for good:

  • Clear Your Space

Start by clearing your space of negative energy. You can use smudging with sage or palo santo, burning incense, or crystals like black tourmaline or amethyst to create a protective grid around your space. Focus on the areas where you feel the presence of astral spiders and repeat your intention to release all negative energy from your space.

  • Visualize a Protective Shield

Visualize a light shield surrounding your energy field to protect you from negative entities. This shield can be reinforced with positive affirmations or mantras like "I am protected from all negative energy." You can also imagine a bubble of light around your space that repels unwanted entities.

  • Cut Energetic Cords

Astral spiders may attach themselves to your energy field through cords. Use visualization to cut these cords and release any attachments. Imagine a pair of scissors cutting through the cords, and then visualize a healing light filling the space where the cords used to be. You can also use the power of your breath to release any attachments by taking deep breaths and exhaling slowly while visualizing the cords being cut.

  • Call in Higher Beings

Call your spirit guides, angels, or other higher beings for protection and assistance. Ask them to help you release any attachments or negative energy from your space. You can also use the power of prayer or meditation to connect with higher energies and ask for their help banishing astral spiders.

  • Seek Professional Help

If you're struggling to eliminate astral spiders alone, consider working with a spiritual practitioner who can help clear your energy field and protect yourself from unwanted entities. A practitioner may use energy healing, chakra balancing, or cord cutting to release attachments and restore balance to your energy field.

  • Practice Self-Care

Finally, practicing self-care is essential to protect your energy field and keep astral spiders at bay. This includes getting enough rest, eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and engaging in activities that bring you joy and fulfillment. When you care for yourself, you strengthen your energy field, making it more difficult for negative entities to attach themselves to you.

By using these techniques regularly, you can get rid of astral spiders for good and protect your energy field from future attachments. Remember, your energy field is precious - don't let astral spiders drain it!

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